Contact Us

The Barnes family has been helping students secure places in their first choice of boarding school in England since 1975.

Our unlimited consultation service helps you make the right decision before committing to a boarding school in England. As former school teachers we have first-hand knowledge of the schools in England. We present your initial application to the boarding school and help prepare you for the interview. After discussion the options we recommend students to a boarding school in England that we know will be right for them. For these reasons the schools trust our judgement giving you the best chance to secure a place at the school.

Please see our Price List to attend a boarding school in England.

If interested in studying at a boarding school in England start the process by contacting us:
Telephone: +44 (0) 117 904 1137
or return a completed application form to allow us to start to advise you more specifically. Download our application form (Word version)

Contact us for a boarding schools in England